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Artykuły naukowe opublikowane w recenzowanych czasopismach naukowych

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Doniesienia konferencyjne

Rezultaty projektu zaprezentowane na krajowych i międzynarodowych konferencjach naukowych w formie wystąpień lub posterów. 

  • Aleksander Hejna, Mateusz Barczewski, Jacek Andrzejewski, Adam Piasecki, Rupali Tiwari, Ľuboš Krišťák, Valorization of Cork Waste in Particleboard Production with Innovative Binder

    Currently, in addition to plastic waste, electronic waste, or batteries, a robust emphasis is being placed on the efficient management of municipal waste, which people are producing more and more. One of the groups of municipal waste is bulky waste, i.e., waste that does not fit into commonly used garbage containers. This mainly includes furniture, upholstered goods, carpets, rugs, bicycles, or baby carriages. Simultaneously, the environmental awareness of the society is noticeably growing, which is expressed by the development of 9R Principle – Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover. All of these activities are aimed at extending the life of products and their parts, which represents a further step from a linear economy to a Circular Economy in relation to processes involving the efficient use of materials, such as recycling or energy recovery. Commonly applied energy production from waste is the lowest level of circularity. In the current situation, a favorable alternative, allowing to achieve both financial and environmental benefits, is to recycle bulky waste and use it in further production processes to reduce the consumption of primary and natural resources. Therefore, it is vital to look for opportunities for further use of this type of waste, enabling them to be kept in a loop, which will be an important step towards the Circular Economy.
    The presented study aimed to investigate the possibility of producing novel particleboards with potential use in the construction, building, or furniture sector from cork waste, particularly engineered wood and polyurethane (PU) foams from post-consumer furniture products. Materials have been prepared by compression molding technology with the application of innovative binder composed of diisocyanate and inorganic salt, whose in situ decomposition led to the gas generation providing porous structure of final composites, and produced compounds strengthening the interfacial bonding inside the material. The impact of applied formulations on the structure (density, porosity, chemical structure, surface wettability), mechanical (static and dynamic), and thermal insulation performance of resulting composites have been explored. Presented results indicated that by the proper engineering of materials’ composition, the compromise between the weight, mechanical performance and other functionalities required by the particular applications can be found. Generally, it was proven that the proposed method of bulky waste management may yield materials with performance comparable to the commercially available solutions, which could provide novel ways for its efficient utilization.

  • Aleksander Hejna, Mateusz Barczewski, Joanna Aniśko, Jacek Andrzejewski, Marek Szostak, Adam Piasecki, Roman Barczewski, Paulina Kosmela, Novel composite materials from bulky wastes

    While plastic waste and e-waste often dominate public discourse and legal regulations, municipal waste, particularly bulky wastes originating mainly from furniture, upholstered goods, or carpets, pose a significant challenge due to their large-scale generation aligning with the development and enrichment of society. Therefore, their efficient collection and keeping in a loop by developing novel utilization ways should be considered among the priorities of municipal waste management. Herein, the presented work presents the novel composite materials obtained from two types of commonly generated bulky wastes: flexible polyurethane foams used as mattresses and medium-density fiberboards often applied in furniture products. Composite materials have been prepared using the commonly applied compression molding method, with the addition of an innovative binder composed of a diisocyanate and inorganic salt, whose in situ decomposition led to the gas generation providing the porous structure of final composites, and produced compounds strengthening the interfacial bonding inside the material. The impact of changes induced by the chemical interactions on the visual appearance, morphology, mechanical, thermal, and insulation performance of prepared composites has been evaluated. Observed changes pointed not only to the proper directions in the development of formulations for desired composites but yielded auspicious conclusions on the further applications of the examined binder composition.

Zgłoszenia patentowe

Rozwiązania opracowane w toku prowadzonych prac wykazujące potencjał aplikacyjny.